Expansion of species: Four Black Rhino translocated in KZN
In a bid to preserve the genetics of the Weenen and Ithala Black Rhino population, four rhinoceros were translocated in KZN.

In mid-April, four Black Rhinoceros bulls were translocated from Ezemvelo KZN Wildlife’s Weenen Nature Reserve and Ithala Game Reserve to Bonamanzi Game Reserve in northern KwaZulu-Natal.
The successful move, made possible by funding from the Black Rhino Range Expansion Project, was carried out by Ezemvelo KZN Wildlife, Heligistix, and Wildlife ACT. The aim of the project is for Ezemvelo to partner with private and communal landowners to increase the habitat available to Black Rhino. Under the terms of the agreement, Ezemvelo KZN Wildlife provides the Rhino, while the receiving property is responsible for the care and custodianship of the animals.
Four Black Rhino were specifically selected for the relocation in accordance with thorough assessment criteria. Having reached maturity, these animals were relocated in order to preserve the genetics of the Weenen and Ithala Black Rhino population, as well as to prevent conflict between the bulls.
“Weenen has a very specific Black Rhino breeding program,” says the Reserve’s Conservation Manager, Frik Lemmer. “These young bulls need to be relocated to other reserves in order to protect the genetic wellbeing of the population.”
“We have a resident breeding bull on Weenen, and that animal should not be challenged in any way by other bulls on a property this size,” explains Lemmer. “It could lead to fighting, breakouts, and even the possible death of one of the animals.”
The relocation to Bonamanzi Game Reserve will not only protect existing populations but also further promote the expansion of Black Rhino breeding opportunities in Kwa-Zulu Natal.

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The aim of the Black Rhino Range Expansion Project is to increase the species’ range and ultimately promote the growth of the population.
“Black Rhinos are very much at risk, which is why the breeding of these animals at smaller reserves like Weenen Nature Reserve is an important part of the population dynamic and the overall conservation of the species,” says Lemmer.
WWF’s Black Rhino Expansion Project has successfully created 13 new Black Rhino populations in South Africa since beginning in 2003.

Led by Ezemvelo KZN Wildlife’s Game Capture Unit, including their veterinary team, the Black Rhino was darted, dehorned, and loaded into large crates. The Game Capture Unit transported them via trucks safely to their new home at Bonamanzi Game Reserve.
The move marks an exciting first for Bonamanzi Game Reserve, with these bulls being their first-ever Black Rhinos. Prior to releasing the Rhino into their new home, Wildlife ACT – specialising in threatened species monitoring and conservation – fitted each individual with tracking devices to ensure constant monitoring upon their release.
The move was carried out as part of the Black Rhino Range Expansion Project, a partnership between Ezemvelo KZN Wildlife and WWF, together with Wildlife ACT and Bonamanzi Game Reserve.