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  1. thinskin

    thinskin Porn Star Banned!

    Dec 29, 2008
    Lung specialists in the Netherlands have discovered that covid-19 cause two types of lung damage.

    They did this from studying the pathology from China, one type of damage is more treatable than the other!

    I will post details tomorrow because it has been a long a busy day!

    Stay well everyone!

    • Like Like x 1
  2. deleted user 555 768

    deleted user 555 768 Porn Star Banned!

    May 9, 2014
    Posted this elsewhere, may be no one noticed
    Advice from an American Dr.

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    1. View previous comments...
    2. deleted user 555 768
      Glad I opened it, almost reacted on instinct...been a long day, thanks for a shot of reality
    3. clive pickering
      Easy man ;) I shoulda got an earlier take to show you be fair.
      They were some band to see live.
      clive pickering, Apr 8, 2020
      deleted user 555 768 likes this.
  3. cirdellin

    cirdellin Porn Star Banned!

    Mar 5, 2011
  4. CS natureboy

    CS natureboy Porn Star

    Jan 22, 2011
    Calls escalate for WHO to be defunded over China ties, coronavirus response

    By Adam Shaw | Fox News
    The U.S. has contributed over $900 million to the World Health Organization over the past two years; Kristin Fisher reports from the White House.

    More Republican lawmakers are joining the push for the World Health Organization to be defunded over its kid-gloves treatment of China in the initial days of the coronavirus response -- as the White House openly considers taking the dramatic step.

    President Trump hinted in a tweet early Tuesday that he was looking at defunding the agency, saying they “blew it” in their response to the coronavirus crisis.

    Donald J. Trump


    The W.H.O. really blew it. For some reason, funded largely by the United States, yet very China centric. We will be giving that a good look. Fortunately I rejected their advice on keeping our borders open to China early on. Why did they give us such a faulty recommendation?


    10:04 AM - Apr 7, 2020
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    185K people are talking about this

    “For some reason, funded largely by the United States, yet very China centric. We will be giving that a good look. Fortunately I rejected their advice on keeping our borders open to China early on. Why did they give us such a faulty recommendation?” he asked.

    He then declared at the press briefing later in the day: “We’re going to put a hold on the money sent to the WHO.”

    Trump, however, backtracked when questioned on that statement by members of the media, saying he was “going to look into” cutting off funding to the WHO and denying his earlier statement.

    The WHO has increasingly been the focus of questions about its response to the coronavirus pandemic, including information it tweeted in January that quoted “preliminary” findings from Chinese authorities that downplayed the seriousness of the virus that has since turned into a pandemic, shutting down daily life around the globe.

    Other statements, including an apparent criticism of Trump’s ban on travel from China and other pro-China statements, have brought renewed questions about the U.S. funding of the agency.

    The United States is the single largest contributor to the WHO. The most recent invoice from the WHO to the United States, which is one of many countries that fund the organization, was for nearly $116 million per year. The United States also voluntarily gives between approximately $100 million and $400 million more per year to the WHO for specific projects -- contributions that totaled over $400 million in 2017, the most recent year for which figures are available.

    But while Trump has not yet fully committed to defunding, it appears that if he does, he will have the backing of a number of top lawmakers from within his own party. Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., who is on the Senate Appropriations Committee, said that in “the next appropriations bill, there's not going to be any money for the WHO.”

    "I'm not going to support funding the WHO under its current leadership. They've been deceptive. They've been slow and they've been Chinese apologists," Graham said on "The Story with Martha MacCallum."

    "I don't think they're a good investment, under the current leadership, for the United States. And until they change their behavior and get new leadership, I think it's in America's best interests to withhold funding because they have failed miserably when it comes to the coronavirus and did the same thing in 2015."

    Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., who has previously called for a review of WHO funding, renewed those calls on Tuesday.

    “The Chinese Communist Party used the WHO to mislead the world,” Rubio said in a statement. “The organization’s leadership is either complicit or dangerously incompetent. I will work with the Trump administration to ensure the WHO is independent and has not been compromised by the CCP before we continue our current funding.”

    Sen. Rick Scott, R-Fla., has called for an investigation and hearing into the WHO, questioning whether it is deserving of American taxpayer money.

    "When it comes to Coronavirus, the WHO failed. They need to be held accountable for their role in promoting misinformation and helping Communist China cover up a global pandemic," Scott said last week. "We know Communist China is lying about how many cases and deaths they have, what they knew and when they knew it – and the WHO never bothered to investigate further."

    Other lawmakers have focused their ire on WHO Director Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus. A resolution in the House and Senate have called on him to retract what they called “highly misleading statements of support for the response of the Government of the People’s Republic of China.”

    Tedros tweeted praise for China on March 20, saying: "[f]or the first time, #China has reported no domestic #COVID19 cases yesterday. This is an amazing achievement, which gives us all reassurance that the #coronavirus can be beaten."

    Sen. Martha McSally, R-Ariz., called for the director to resign and for WHO to "stop covering for [China.]

    “I think Dr. Tedros needs to step down. We need to take some action to address this issue. It's just irresponsible, it’s unconscionable what they have done here while we have people dying across the globe," she said on Fox Business Network's "Mornings with Maria."

    If defunded, it would mark the latest United Nations organization to take a financial hit from the Trump administration. In 2018, the administration defunded the U.N. Palestinian refugee agency.

    It also defunded the U.N.’s educational, scientific and cultural organization UNESCO over concerns about the agency’s anti-Israel bias.
    • Winner Winner x 1
  5. clive pickering

    clive pickering Porn Star

    Mar 16, 2016
    Always a joy, always instructive


    verb [ T ]


    /dɪˈfaɪl/ US


    spoil something or someone so that that thing or person is less beautiful or pure:
    It's a shame that such a beautiful area has been defiled by a rubbish dump.
    The soldiers deliberately defiled all the holy places.
    Thesaurus: synonyms and related words
    Making things dirty & untidy
    • Like Like x 1
  6. CS natureboy

    CS natureboy Porn Star

    Jan 22, 2011
    Pretty much everything China makes is low quality second rate garbage...

    Britain joins growing chorus of countries furious with China's faulty coronavirus equipment

    By Barnini Chakraborty | Fox News

    Britain has become the latest country to cry foul about the quality of China's coronavirus test kits and equipment after the ones the country purchased were deemed too unreliable.

    Since the outbreak began, China has been accused of multiple cover-ups and deliberately lying about its coronavirus infection and death rates. Beijing has tried to rebrand itself on the international stage as a leader in tackling the virus but the drumbeat of complaints has been getting louder in recent days and the faulty kits, delivered to the likes of Britain, Spain and the Netherlands, is only exacerbating the problem.

    In a blog post on Monday, John Bell, the coordinator of coronavirus testing for Public Health England, said that none of England's 17 million antibody kits -- including the ones bought from China -- have performed well.

    "We see many false negatives and we also see false positives," he wrote. "...This is not a good result for test suppliers or for us."

    He added that the antibody tests bought had only able to identify immunity accurately in people who had been severely ill. The antibody tests will be crucial in helping essential workers get back to work.

    Ideally, the finger-prick tests would be able to confirm who had already built up immunity to COVID-19 and perhaps let them leave lockdown and return to work.

    John Newton, Britain’s new testing chief, told the Times of London that the antibody tests from China were not good enough because they were only able to identify immunity accurately on people who had been severely ill.

    “The test developed in China was validated against patients who were severely ill with a very large viral load, generating a large amount of antibodies . . . whereas we want to use the test in the context of a wider range of levels of infection including people who are quite mildly infected. So for our purposes, we need a test that performs better than some of these other tests.”

    In response to the news that all of the kits fell short of expectations, the Prime Minister's Office announced it would push to get a refund.

    "If the tests don't work then the orders that we placed will be canceled and wherever possible we will recover the costs," the PMO said.

    Britain is the latest place that has had issues with equipment and kits bought from Beijing.

    Last week, the Netherlands joined Spain, Turkey, Georgia and the Czech Republic in their concerns over masks and test kits. The claims of faulty test kits and other devices came as the number of COVID-19 cases continued to surge in the United States and Europe.

    Spain had to return 50,000 quick-testing kits to China after discovering they weren't working properly. The Netherlands also rejected China-made coronavirus testing kits and protective gear, calling them substandard and questioning the quality of supplies Beijing is selling -- at marked-up prices -- to the world.

    "China creates the poison and sells the solution to it," foreign affairs expert Gordon Chang told Fox News.

    The Trump administration has blasted China's authoritarian leadership for trying to conceal what it knew about COVID-19 during its earlier days when the virus it is believed could have been contained.
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  7. thinskin

    thinskin Porn Star Banned!

    Dec 29, 2008
    That the Chinese are culpable is beyond doubt but the fact remains the US was warned on January 2 and for 70 days nothing happened and if you contribute millions to the WHO budget what was the only independent epidemiologist embedded in the Chinese healthcare system removed on the US's watch??

    The is more than enough blame to go around and the WHO said test, test, test, months ago!

    I like the guy in charge at the WHO I think he is doing a good job!

    • Like Like x 1
    1. Sanity_is_Relative
      Navarro warned tRump of the impending pandemic issue on December 29th 2019 whuch is only a few days difference but for something like this even a week could be major difference between only a few dying and millions dying.

      Dated Jan. 29, it came during a period when Mr. Trump was playing down the risks to the United States, and he would later go on to say that no one could have predicted such a devastating outcome.

      Again the US refused to accept that something like that could happen to them.
      Sanity_is_Relative, Apr 9, 2020
      thinskin, gammaXray and stumbler like this.
  8. thinskin

    thinskin Porn Star Banned!

    Dec 29, 2008
    • Like Like x 2
  9. CS natureboy

    CS natureboy Porn Star

    Jan 22, 2011
    Pence vows US will ask WHO 'tough questions' over how 'they could have been so wrong' about coronavirus
    By Charles Creitz | Fox News
    Vice President Mike Pence told "Hannity" Wednesday night that the U.S. will ask "tough questions" of the World Health Organization (WHO) over its handling of the coronavirus pandemic after the global health agency's director warned President Trump and other world leaders against "politicizing" the outbreak.

    "This is a president who believes in accountability, and the American taxpayers provide tens of millions of dollars to the World Health Organization," Pence said. "And as the president said yesterday, I suspect we will continue to do that, but that doesn't mean that at the right time in the future we aren't going to ask the tough questions about how the World Health Organization could have been so wrong.

    "Literally at the time President Trump stood up the coronavirus task force in January and suspended all travel from China, just days before that, the World Health Organization was continuing to diminish the threat of the coronavirus and its impact in China," Pence added. "We'll get to the answers of that and we'll create accountability, just like the American people would want us to do."

    Trump has accused the WHO of being "very China-centric" and claimed they "really blew it" in their initial response to the pandemic. On Tuesday, Trump initially told reporters that the U.S. was "going to put a hold on the money sent to the WHO," but walked back that statement when questioned, saying only that he was “going to look into” cutting off funding to the agency.

    In response, WHO Director Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus told reporters Wednesday: "“If you don’t want many more body bags you refrain from politicizing it – please quarantine politicizing COVID."

    Pence also addressed the progress of the outbreak in New York, New Jersey, Connecticut and Louisiana, saying that the number of new cases showed "evidence of the beginning of a stabilization, which is a great credit to the people of all [those] states."

    However, the vice president added that "we need every American to continue to do their part" to observe the federal government's coronavirus guidelines, saying such action "will hasten the day that we put the coronavirus in the past. But it's going to take all of us to do it, and the good news is ... all evidence suggests that the American people are doing just that. They know our future is in our hands, and as we put the president's coronavirus guidelines into practice, we'll get there ... [and] we will continue to save lives and we will reach that day much sooner than people thought in the beginning of this outbreak."
    • Like Like x 1
  10. clive pickering

    clive pickering Porn Star

    Mar 16, 2016
    Do you have shares in the cut n paste industry ?
    1. shootersa
      Oh no, that would be rear admiral butt nugget, who also has a quota, apparently, to spew wrong story shit.
      shootersa, Apr 9, 2020
  11. CS natureboy

    CS natureboy Porn Star

    Jan 22, 2011
    Progressives Want Coronavirus Bailout for Illegal Immigration
    NEIL MUNRO8 Apr 2020161

    Many progressives who welcomed poor illegal migrants are now complaining that millions of illegal migrants are unprotected in the nation’s epidemic and economic crash, according to press reports and activists’ demands.

    “This is one result of illegal immigration that the apologists for illegal immigration don’t like to acknowledge,” said Jessica Vaughan, policy director at the Center for Immigration Studies. She continued:

    The [migrant] people who are encouraged to come by here by our progressives … end up being the most vulnerable to disasters of all kinds, whether it is a pandemic, or a hurricane, a sudden change in economic conditions, workplace injuries, or any kind of medical condition because they usually do not have insurance and are not eligible for government programs.

    “You can call this an ideological bailout of the progressives,” she added. “They facilitated the arrival of these illegal migrants, and now they are demanding that taxpayers foot the bill.”

    Progressives are also joining with business groups to call for a bailout of the businesses that hired illegals instead of hiring educated, healthy, and trained Americans, she said:

    The businesses don’t have to pay the full [societal] cost of their cheap labor, so the true cost of supporting this low-wage, vulnerable population is to be born by taxpayers … because taxpayers and [state and local] government are picking up the tab for the social, health, and safety networks that these exploited illegal workers now need.

    For example, Breitbart News reported April 8:

    Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot issued an order Tuesday ensuring illegal aliens have access to the city’s coronavirus relief benefits.

    The order essentially guarantees those residing in her city unlawfully will be able to access aid programs offered by the city. Those include housing assistance grants, providing grants of $1,000 to go toward a mortgage or rent, access to the Small Business Resiliency Fund, which provides low-interest loans to small businesses affected by the coronavirus pandemic, and access to “online enrichment learning resources, including more than 100,000 devices for families who lack access to technology for remote learning,” according to CBS Chicago.

    “Undocumented immigrants and their families, including more than 5 million children who are U.S. citizens, were left out of the disaster relief package enacted last month,” said a Washington Post April 8 op-ed by Laurene Powell Jobs, the very wealthy former wife of Apple founder Steve Jobs. She continued:

    This is morally abhorrent, and it’s self-destructive to the larger aim of stamping out this pandemic. Our health is tied to their health, and our economy is tied to their well-being. When excluding some creates outsize risks for all, it is imperative that Congress extend to everyone, regardless of immigration status, any health and economic supports intended to ward off or mitigate the ravages of the virus.

    So far, Congress has not moved to bail out companies or cities that bet on cheap labor. In March, Breitbart News reported that the city’s comptroller, Scott Stringer, sought a bailout for the many blue-collar New Yorkers who have been impoverished by the elite-backed flood of cheap migrant labor.

    Vox.com said April 1:

    The unauthorized worker population is particularly vulnerable to the virus due to inadequate access to health care. Noncitizens are significantly more likely to be uninsured compared to US citizens, which may dissuade them from seeking medical care if they contract the virus.

    And absent financial relief for the population of unauthorized immigrants workers in particular, many may try to continue going to work despite public health warnings to stay home, which could further spread the virus and pose a risk to public health.

    The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) touted an op-ed in the Boston Globe that reported that the illegal migrants welcomed by progressives now face extraordinary pressure to keep working amid the disease:

    Not only are these immigrants — mostly Latino, many of them here without legal status — the most economically vulnerable, but a high proportion of them already have limited access to health care and other public support networks. Working from home is a privilege that they simply don’t have.

    On April 4, the Washington Post provided painful examples of migrants who have been exploited and abandoned by employers and progressives:

    Evilin Cano was dismantling a rooftop skating rink in Manhattan’s Seaport district when her construction crew was notified that the venue would be closing, along with much of New York — and that she would be out of a job.

    The next night, the 33-year-old undocumented day laborer from Guatemala fell ill with a fever. Her head pounded. Her throat hurt. She could not stop coughing or vomiting. And she was short of breath. She does not know whether she has covid-19 because three hospitals told her not to bother coming in for testing unless she’s gasping for air.

    “They told me to stay at home, don’t go out, and when I can no longer breathe, call 9-1-1 for them to pick me up,” Cano said.

    Construction had been a step up for Cano. When she first came to the U.S. more than a year ago, she patched together a living at a Salvadoran restaurant, earning $50 for 13 hours of overnight work cleaning and preparing pupusas for delivery. When the till came up short, she said, the cashier would dock the difference from Cano’s earnings. One night, she made so little that she had to borrow the $2.75 bus fare home.

    In its second-to-last paragraph, the Post inserted a progressive fix for the progressive problem:

    Perhaps when this is all over, [Jerry from Uganda] said, the American public will recognize how undocumented immigrants risked their lives to help during a time of crisis. In another burst of optimism, he said he hopes that the government would grant legal status to parents of U.S. citizens and other immigrants who have long paid taxes.

    The Los Angeles Times provided more examples of exploited migrants:

    Despite being 73 with diabetes, [Carlos] Garcia couldn’t afford to stop working. His employer hadn’t said anything about the virus to workers, provided them with extra protective gear or supplied extra hand-washing stations, he said.

    [Genevieve Flores-Haro] said the translations [of medical safety guidelines] were crucial because those languages rely heavily on context. Unlike in Spanish, for example, there is no word for “virus” in Mixtec, so the sickness must instead be described in detail. About half of farmworkers between Oxnard and Watsonville are indigenous, she said.

    Farmworkers in California make $26,000 a year, on average, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Many families share a home with other families and drive to work in crowded vehicles, making physical distancing difficult. Health issues, including asthma and diabetes, are common among workers, Flores-Haro said.

    Neil Munro


    10M+ illegals are mixed in with 315M Americans.
    Amid the Wuhan virus, some Dems argue for cutback of immig enforcement.
    Migrants should be treated alongside Americans to minimize civic risks -- but w/o a cutback, says enforcement activist Mark Krikorian.*not_secure_link*bit.ly/2IytQsb

    Democrats: Suspend Immigration Enforcement Rules amid Coronavirus
    Illegal immigrants may try to avoid medical treatment for China's Wuhan virus unless DHS suspends immigration enforcement, say Democrats.



    8:31 PM - Mar 9, 2020
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    Boston-based WBUR reported April 8:

    Petrona worked as a housekeeper until the state ordered the closure of all non-essential businesses to stop the spread of the coronavirus. Now the single mother of two young children with only a few dollars in savings and unable to qualify for unemployment because of her legal status, her main source of information is what she sees on her phone.

    “The truth is I’m getting my information from Facebook,” she says in Spanish. “I don’t have cable.” Nor does she have internet or a computer. Just a TV with an antenna.

    Petrona was born in Guatemala speaking the Quiché language. She has lived in the U.S. for 14 years. She hasn’t learned English and Spanish isn’t even her first language.

    Business groups and progressives want to hoard their gain from illegal migration — and also to impose the costs on Americans, said Vaughan:

    They insist on having it both ways. They claim that illegal migrants are a benefit to the economy and country, and then when it turns out the migrants are the most needy, they demand welfare programs and services that they previously insisted were not necessary.

    The progressives are demanding that [American] communities fix a problem that progressives created in cahoots with employers.

    You can’t blame the poor migrants for acting on all the incentives created by the progressives — but now they are the ones twisting in the wind.

    In contrast, if business and government had cooperated to shrink illegal migration, Americans would be better able to overcome the coronavirus crash, she said:

    We would, first of all, have less of an [medically] uninsured population, and more public funds available to deal with this emergency. American and legal immigrants would have built up more of their own personal safety nets as a result of higher earnings over the years. Those few percentage points of lost income each year translates to a lot of lost wealth that people might have had available to cushion the blow.
    • Like Like x 1
  12. CS natureboy

    CS natureboy Porn Star

    Jan 22, 2011
    Event 201: The COVID-19 “Conspiracy Theory”


    Fingers are always being pointed to anyone who challenges the questionable information that pours from media outlets. Anything that does not conform to the narrative and selected messaging is automatically attributed to “conspiracy” theorists. But what do those accusers say when the conspiracy filth is pouring from their own mouths?

    In October 2019, corporations, governments, and university “players” gathered at an event called Event 201, to play a simulated pandemic exercise game, and discuss global policy solutions to address that pandemic. Bear in mind, this is two months prior to the alleged COVID-19 “pandemic”.

    The Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, UPS, Centers for Disease Control (CDC), corporate heads, and of course the United Nations (UN) were all part of this “expert” panel. Fortunately, they captured their game playing on videos so conspiracy theorists could relish in spreading conspiracies. Previous exercises on pandemic issues have been held including Clade X, Dark Winter, and Atlantic Storm. Perhaps enough game practice has occurred to give their solutions a trial run with COVID-19?

    It just so happens the subject of the Event 201 scenario exercise was about a corona virus originating in Brazil, eventually spreading to the U.S., China, and other countries until it is out of control. Vaccine availability is not possible and an antiviral drug was found to help the sick but not limit disease spread. In this scenario, cases double every week with rising deaths, resulting in economic and social severity. Sound familiar? However, the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, World Economic Forum (WEF), and Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation were also involved in this exercise and deny any coincidence with the current outbreak. Of course they deny it. Clearly any reference to involvement would be only conspiracy trash. And how ironic that John Hopkins has a map tracking the COVID-19 outbreak.

    In the first video, the Highlights Reel, a description of the corona virus spread is provided and a summary of identified issues. The hysteria of its spread and resulting deaths is addressed. Medical supplies must be distributed “globally” with corporations needing clarity on where the need is and “who” is making the decisions, the UN offered up as a centralized point. Travel advisories are issued to prevent disease spread with resulting economic effects. A global financial crisis occurs. Misinformation on the internet may need to be “shut down” and a decision on who should “control the information” is needed. How about the need for enforcement? The scenario foundation is laid for the “global community” to work out solutions.

    Segment 1 – Intro and Medical Countermeasures (MCM) Discussion. This video starts out with the “critical role of businesses and public-private partnerships” (P3). A “pandemic emergency board”, convened by the WEF, will provide recommendations on this “major global challenge”. As usual, climate change is one of the culprits behind this catastrophic pandemic, and the typical forecast of a major, doom and gloom event is coming with a need for “mitigation” and “collective preparedness”. The UN World Health Organization (WHO) provides its two cents worth describing the “health emergencies” and continued threats as a “new normal” through “asymptomatic” persons spreading disease. Such hysterics, but oh so close to what is occurring now.

    At the 15:20 mark, the emergency board discussion on recommendations begin with an update of the spread of the virus, called CAPS, being far more contagious with respiratory disease complications, albeit some experiencing only mild respiratory symptoms. A projected death rate of hundreds of millions over one to two years is straining health care systems. Discussion of an AIDS antiviral medication for treatment and respirator availability are identified problems. Sound familiar?

    Distribution of resources includes discussion about a central decision-making body, perhaps the UN World Bank as the financial loan center for centralized distribution “needs”, and the UN once again offered up as the centralized source. Central distribution of global stockpiles would interfere with hoarder behavior by being in charge of how supplies are allocated. Corporations must also “combat” “protectionism” “rhetoric”, as it does not align with operating for the “greater global good”. Through this segment and beyond is an annoying woman who continues coughing without clearly covering her mouth. Perhaps this emergency board should practice its own recommendations.

    Segment 2 – Trade & Travel Discussion is the second emergency board meeting. The pandemic update includes a continued escalation in numbers with predictions of millions of cases and thousands of deaths. The stock market has now fallen while trade and travel are affected, social media is spreading rumors, movement of people is causing disease spread, and fever screens are being conducted. Has any of this happened with COVID-19?

    Segment 3 – Finance Discussion, the third emergency board meeting. There is an economic “fallout’, the epidemic “grows”, millions of cases and deaths. The board recommends cooperation between corporate supply chains and governments, keeping the public informed of disease location, how steps in closing schools and staying home only marginally controls the spread, which in itself might bring more serious economic costs resulting in more serious harm than CAPS. Funding is needed to save jobs and industries, a “bailout’, especially those corporations directly related to the healthcare system. A need for research and development about this new corona virus and future vaccines is also discussed. Is this scenario getting warmer to current conditions?

    Segment 4 – Communications Discussion and Epilogue. The final emergency board meeting continues with more disease spread and deaths. Because of the spread of disinformation Twitter and Facebook are deleting accounts. To ensure that only “accurate” information gets out one central authority, such as WHO, along with their buddy non-governmental organizations (NGO) should be used as a central repository for information, especially since the UN enjoys a level of trust throughout the world, and would protect against governments spreading disinformation, say for political purposes.
    But then, if WHO were to challenge governments directly there is the issue of that pesky “sovereignty”, necessitating a “soft power of influence” by WHO. Because there is so much public distrust, the goal should be identifying how the government can “ensure” only reliable information gets to the public and prevent the spread of false information. Using employers and faith-based institutions could be used for the flow of accurate information. Also important is identifying false information for “purported” treatments that has caused harm to those who have used them.
    Do you know it all’s ever stop and think why there is so much distrust when this conniving activity goes on?
    The board identified more emphasis should be placed on the recovery numbers. Because of all those who are anti-vaccine, especially important is getting the correct information “out there” to ensure public trust, and incentivizing people to “manage” their behaviors. Perhaps there should be some level of “enforcement” against those who are spreading misinformation.
    Segment 5 – Hotwash and Conclusion. This pandemic was “catastrophic”, however isolation and “social distancing” have helped interrupt the spread of disease. Prior planning by governments, NGOs, and private businesses is identified as being so important. And lastly, these individuals have routinely come together for a stronger “global governance”. These are their words you conspiracy theorists.

    The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, World Economic Forum, and Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation jointly proposed seven recommendations, which in a nutshell is a partnership between international organizations, governments, and the private sector to control all potential aspects that could arise with a pandemic, a full achievement of Agenda 21 P3, stripping away all representation on which our Republic was founded.

    The UN goal has always been to destroy capitalism, and efforts have been made to integrate this agenda into the stimulus bill. Is COVID-19 being used for that purpose?

    Continued focus on “life threats” by the UN is getting old. Life is not about ongoing threats that must be “mitigated”, managed, or having us constantly living in a state of preparation out of fear that something might happen. It is all psychological manipulation, causing fear and anxiety with the intent to influence behavior, and justify the removal of more freedoms. How effectively this is working is easily seen in younger generations.

    Currently, COVID19 does not even come close in numbers compared to previous pandemics. The same hygienic precautions should be used as with all viruses, those most adversely affected are typically the elderly, those with medical conditions, or who are immunosuppressed. However now, given what “players” are discussing behind the scenes, could COVID-19 appear to be possibly used as a test case to see just how far behavior can be influenced, maybe just how many more freedoms can be destroyed, and promoting faith in government dependence?

    But, all of this is just conjured up information by conspiracy theorists, it is just “misinformation”. Regardless, everyone should start paying closer attention to what is really happening behind the scenes, and what is being done to us. This global governance agenda is moving forward rapidly. Watch the videos and decide for yourself
  13. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    Oh yeah man the stable genius Trump shutting down travel with China with 40,000 exceptions while he did nothing else but lie to the American people was a big help.

    Majority of New York Coronavirus Cases Came From Europe, Not China: Report

  14. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    US alcohol consumption is also wayup.

    Marijuana Use Reaches All-Time High Amid Coronavirus Lockdown, Survey Says

    • Winner Winner x 2
    1. Rixer
      It's funny. No matter how destitute things get, we always find enough money to buy the staples of life. such as Booze and Weed. :cigar:
      Rixer, Apr 9, 2020
      thinskin likes this.
  15. deleted user 555 768

    deleted user 555 768 Porn Star Banned!

    May 9, 2014
    But the rawsewage psychofants wont believe it and will quickly drain the toilets to find something, anything, to dispute everything

    Defense official says media reports about November coronavirus intel assessment are false

    A defense official on Wednesday issued a rare denial of reports by ABC News and others that claimed a November intelligence assessment warned about a rapidly spreading coronavirus in China that posed a threat to American forces in the region.

    The official said no such assessment existed.

    ABC News cited unnamed officials with knowledge of the assessment by the military's National Center for Medical Intelligence (NCMI) that raised concerns of the coronavirus and highlighted how it was disputing daily life and business in the area.

    Col. R. Shane Day, the director of the NCMI, a component of the Defense Intelligence Agency, refuted the ABC News report in a statement.

    "As a matter of practice the National Center for Medical Intelligence does not comment publicly on specific intelligence matters," he said. "However, in the interest of transparency during this current public health crisis, we can confirm that media reporting about the existence/release of a National Center for Medical Intelligence Coronavirus-related product/assessment in November of 2019 is not correct. No such NCMI product exists."

    The supposed intelligence reportedly was obtained through wire and computer intercepts and satellite images. ABC News did not immediately respond to a Fox News request for comment Wednesday.

    The DIA and NCMI spent the past 24 hours going over anything that could be related to the alleged assessment, but failed to find anything, a defense official told Fox News.

    ABC News reported that the White House was briefed several times about the document, with one source telling the outlet that "analysts concluded it could be a cataclysmic event." Another source said policy-makers and decision-makers across the federal government, including the National Security Council at the White House, were repeatedly briefed on the matter.

    President Trump first received the information in a daily briefing in early January, according to ABC News. The Pentagon said there was intelligence of a possible COVID-19 in January that could cross the Pacific Ocean and impact the United States, but it was not a dire warning.

    The Joint Chiefs of Staff started seeing signs of a serious spread affecting U.S. forces in late January, Fox News is told. It was presented as was common, with caveats of "on the one hand... on the other hand."

    "The timeline of the intel side of this may be further back than we’re discussing," the ABC News source said of preliminary reports from Wuhan, the city considered the initial epicenter of the pandemic that has since re-opened after weeks of total lockdown. "But this was definitely being briefed beginning at the end of November as something the military needed to take a posture on."

    As of Wednesday night, the U.S. has seen over 430,000 known COVID-19 cases, including nearly 13,000 deaths.

    Over the weekend, Defense Secretary Mark Esper told George Stephanopoulos on ABC News' "This Week" that he couldn't recall a November warning.

    "So, you would have known if there was briefed to the National Security Council in December, wouldn't you?" Stephanopoulos asked.

    "Yes. I'm not aware of that," Esper replied.
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  16. deleted user 555 768

    deleted user 555 768 Porn Star Banned!

    May 9, 2014
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  17. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006

    The death rate from the flu is estimated at .1%. As of today the US death rate from COVID-19 3.4% and the global death rate is 5.9%. Which makes you a deadly liar.

    First of all what the fuck is a " psychofants"?

    Second, at least I and RAWSTORY for that matter link their sources.


    But you don't because you are apparently embarrassed of Fox News and their right wing pro Trump bias.

    As proven by selectively editing our this part of the interview.


    And the reason they cut that out is because all Trump and his administration do is lie so "I can't recall" has become a tell that is almost always a lie.

    Which is why ABC News is still standing by the story.
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
    1. shootersa
      Man, Shooter hopes this quarantine ends soon.
      Its pretty clear that rear admiral butt nugget is getting a bit ...……………… crazier.
      Posting something from 9 days ago so he can claim someone lied based on current figures.
      You know, that Shooter already said was 3-4%.

      Really, rear admiral butt nugget, please let Shooter out of your head.
      It's just too bare and ………… well …………….spooky
      shootersa, Apr 9, 2020
    2. thinskin
      Anybody who bothers to look back through this thread will see that Dr Shiiter has gone from being the flu man to being Mr I do not know covid-19.....I have never met covid-19.....in short Dr Shitter peddles falsehoods!

      thinskin, Apr 10, 2020
      stumbler likes this.
    3. shootersa
      Cmon man, evict Shooter from your head.
      shootersa, Apr 10, 2020
    4. thinskin
      .....but the fool is so much fun!

      thinskin, Apr 10, 2020
  18. CS natureboy

    CS natureboy Porn Star

    Jan 22, 2011
    Chilling video reveals how coronavirus spreads from a single cough in a supermarket
    By James Rogers | Fox News

    Raw video: Study from Aalto University, the Finnish Meteorological Institute, Technical and Innovation Center VTT and Helsinki University release results on study on coronavirus and air-borne particles.

    Researchers in Finland have created a chilling video that models how coronavirus could spread from a single cough in a supermarket.

    The video was uploaded to YouTube by scientists at Finland’s Aalto University. “In the 3D model, a person coughs in a corridor bounded by shelves under representative indoor ventilation airflow conditions,” the video explains. “As a result of coughing, an aerosol cloud travels in the air to the corridor. It takes up to several minutes for the cloud to spread and disperse.”

    “Preliminary results indicate that aerosol particles carrying the virus can remain in the air longer than was originally thought, so it is important to avoid busy public indoor spaces,” the researchers explain in a statement. “This also reduces the risk of droplet infection, which remains the main path of transmission for coronavirus.”

    As of Thursday morning, at least 1.5 million coronavirus cases have been diagnosed worldwide, 2,605 of which are in Finland. The disease has accounted for at least 89,915 deaths around the world, including 42 people in Finland.

    A screenshot from the video models how the aerosol cloud spreads from a person's cough. (Aalto University)

    In their study, the researchers modeled the airborne movement of aerosol particles smaller than 20 micrometers, noting that the particle size for a dry cough is typically less than 15 micrometers.

    “Extremely small particles of this size do not sink on the floor, but instead, move along in the air currents or remain floating in the same place,” they said in the statement.

    A supercomputer at CSC, which is the Finnish IT Center for Science, and 3D-visualization technology, were used in the research.

    The researchers modeled a situation in which a person coughs down a shelf-restricted corridor typical of grocery stores. (Photo: Petteri Peltonen / Aalto University)

    The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recently recommended wearing cloth face coverings in public settings where other social distancing measures are difficult to maintain, such as grocery stores and pharmacies. This is particularly important "in areas of significant community-based transmission," the CDC said.

    The research was undertaken by experts from Finland’s Aalto University, the Finnish Meteorological Institute, the VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, and the University of Finland.

    Experts studied how small airborne aerosol particles are transported in the air when emitted from the respiratory tract when sneezing, coughing or even talking.

    “The researchers modeled a scenario where a person coughs in an aisle between shelves, like those found in grocery stores; and taking into consideration the ventilation,” they said in the statement. Each research institution performed its modeling independently but employed the same starting conditions.

    The researchers all obtained the same preliminary result.

    “In the situation under investigation, the aerosol cloud spreads outside the immediate vicinity of the coughing person and dilutes in the process,” they explained, in the statement. “However, this can take up to several minutes.”

    The study could have major implications for the spread of coronavirus.

    "Someone infected by the coronavirus, can cough and walk away, but then leave behind extremely small aerosol particles carrying the coronavirus,” explained Aalto University Assistant Professor Ville Vuorinen in the statement. “These particles could then end up in the respiratory tract of others in the vicinity.”
    1. shootersa

      See, this is the kind of stuff that causes panic but does nothing to fix anything.
      We don't know who has been hacking all over the produce, or if it's been cleaned, or what.
      But now, picking up a head of lettuce is in our head as a game of Russian roulette.
      But the thing is, it's been that way forever.
      Picking up a head of lettuce can carry salmonella, which there is no vaccine for, and which can kill just as readily as Covid19.

      And really, what're we supposed to do with this?
      shootersa, Apr 9, 2020
  19. slutwolf

    slutwolf Porn Star

    Nov 20, 2009
    It's interesting.
    South Korea is doing very well it seems

    S. Korea --10,423 +39 cases ,,, 204 +4 dead

    But I don't recall anyone claiming they're not telling the whole truth .
    Not making full disclosure.
    Not testing enough.

    • Like Like x 2
  20. slutwolf

    slutwolf Porn Star

    Nov 20, 2009
    Vietnam is another interesting case I've followed.
    They have a crossable border with China of course . (albeit very rugged)

    They had 16 cases very early on.

    Then they were listed clear ,
    all cases recovered for several weeks , or 3 ,
    then they started getting new a few cases.

    But they still don't have many.
    No wide spread .
    No deaths

    Vietnam 255 +4 cases

    In about the same time ,
    we have gone from 1 to 1200 cases
    with 1 death.
    and the US from 0 to ...............................
    Europe 0 to ........................

    diet ?
    climate , latitude ?

    natural resistance ?
    • Like Like x 2