1. Hello,

    New users on the forum won't be able to send PM untill certain criteria are met (you need to have at least 6 posts in any sub forum).

    One more important message - Do not answer to people pretending to be from xnxx team or a member of the staff. If the email is not from forum@xnxx.com or the message on the forum is not from StanleyOG it's not an admin or member of the staff. Please be carefull who you give your information to.

    Best regards,


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  2. Hello,

    You can now get verified on forum.

    The way it's gonna work is that you can send me a PM with a verification picture. The picture has to contain you and forum name on piece of paper or on your body and your username or my username instead of the website name, if you prefer that.

    I need to be able to recognize you in that picture. You need to have some pictures of your self in your gallery so I can compare that picture.

    Please note that verification is completely optional and it won't give you any extra features or access. You will have a check mark (as I have now, if you want to look) and verification will only mean that you are who you say you are.

    You may not use a fake pictures for verification. If you try to verify your account with a fake picture or someone else picture, or just spam me with fake pictures, you will get Banned!

    The pictures that you will send me for verification won't be public

    Best regards,


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Last Activity:
Aug 14, 2015
Jul 29, 2009
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Porno Junky, Female

DarkPixie was last seen:
Aug 14, 2015
    1. JamesBond oh!oh!7
      JamesBond oh!oh!7
      Been a while Pixie! Looking forward to your new thread and you made a great start ;)
    2. fister24
      love how pale you are, very sexy
    3. RoyalCouple
      lovey booty hun...wish to see now c2c that ass and make you feel so damn good....Kissexxx
    4. young_stud4you
    5. k.j.a.g
      Love your profile pic damn girl ;)
    6. iowatxn
      hey sexy, thanks for the add. If you wanna chat hit me up some time.
    7. iowatxn
      you are absolutely dedlicious! I would love to taste all of you and cum all over you afterwards
    8. nycheadshrinker
      Good morning :)
    9. hard14U
      your pics urge me to stroke my cock
    10. Major ComeT
      Major ComeT
      You having fun making the baller say stupid crap? LOL he's fun for a while! He takes himself SO seriously!!
    11. Brad Hazard
      Brad Hazard
      Hey Pixie. Remember me.....?

    12. beninabox
      Great thread you have going. Thanks for posting.
    13. capn
      I love your pics!
    14. JamesBond oh!oh!7
    15. Old Man
      Old Man
      Happy Valentine's Day:rose::rose::rose::rose::rose::rose:
    16. stoli0934
      she is amazing!! nothing to be worried about...she has a great body and should be proud/love to show it off. i want to see more of her. would love to chat with you and her sometime
    17. hotone1066
      vey sexy pics!
    18. Ivanho
      hi there! do u like cam 2 cam action?? pm me
    19. spike_65_98
      very nice pics!!!
    20. JamesBond oh!oh!7
      JamesBond oh!oh!7
      What a gorgeous body and the costume stuff is great too!
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    Old thread - No longer updated.

    Sex, style and subversion - New thread :excited:​
    The Psychotropic Demi-God