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TagsElmo, Jay-Z, Kanye_West, Katy_Perry, Lil_Wayne, Muppets, Sesame_Street, Snoop_Dogg, kennycomix, music
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Anonymous1: Yeah...

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Gravestalker: today on animal planet, we see a human female involved in the wild primates mating habits
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Anonymous2: and an asshole named Gravestalker sowing his ass by posting ig'nant racist bullshit on a toon board
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Anonymous3(2): and an asshole named Gravestalker showing his ass by posting ig'nant racist bullshit on a toon board
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Anonymous4: lol ew.
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Anonymous5: Who needs lyrics when we have so many racist stereotypes that they no longer offend me?
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Anonymous6: This is referencing her Katy Perry's
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Anonymous7: Posting ignorant BS in the comments for a racist picture? Who would have thought.
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mynameis305: @Anonymous: too bad you do not have the ball to do it your shelf.
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DianaRossFan: Well, this pic definitely set back race relations 20 or more years....
Let's say to the central park jogger, mmkay?
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Anonymous8: who needs blacks when wes got asians XD
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Anony-Miss: Well I kinda like it. Shes cute and very well drawn in my opinion.
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Anony-Miss: @Anonymous: I find it funny you take the time to act like a big shot behind your computer on here. I find it even funnier that I'm bothering to reply to scum like you. If pics like these really bother you, stay away from them and those who enjoy them. :)
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The_Elder_Troll: @Anony-Miss: Missy you are way to much of a gentlewoman. I would probably flip out on a racist prick like that.
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Anony-Miss: @The_Elder_Troll: Lol I probably am too nice but oh well. I figure he's just some ignorant little kid or a lonely guy. Either way, he's obviously butthurt about something irrational.
@Anonymous: Everyone does have a right to voice their opinion, but being a total dickhead isn't a good way to go about it hun.
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The_Elder_Troll: Hey anonymous 8, you probably just say that because you have a teeny tiny penis, and this picture makes you feel inadequate, and so you choose to fight because your penis is so very very small.
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The_Elder_Troll: Oh and ASLO isn't a word, work on your spelling and grammar you illiterate fucktard.
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Anony-Miss: @Anonymous: I fail to see how ANY of that makes sense. And just because I'm not an ignorant racist like you doesn't mean I'm black or anything, I'm white. The fact that it even matters to you is very sad.

We really need a mod or someone to keep people like this off the site.
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Anonymous9: black attractive and successful Africans inplies they come in other colors, i am ingrueted please direct me to the orange attractive and successful Africans
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The_Elder_Troll: Anonymous14, you are the real "attractive and successful African" for the definition of attractive and successful African is ignorant, and lord you seem to be the most ignorant person I've ever seen.
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Anonymous10: Katy Perry looks great in this picture. Too bad those speech bubbles are too stupid for words and the dick have weird shapes
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Anonymous11(9): ^Yeah voilence will totally change their opinions on black people. You ghetto clowns are a shame for your race
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SkekSul: Holy shit, why are people taking the angry ravings of lunacy ON A PORN SITE seriously? Don't any of you have better things to do? Like fap?
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Anonymous12(10): Wow, this is really stupid. I mean I was just going to go on and end up forgetting about this iffy picture, but dang if I just have to see what backward thing this silly troll says next.

Of course, it's going to hard to top nuking us all
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SkekSul: anon16, the orange attractive and successful Africans come from jersey shore by the way. The white ones congregate in Tennessee, and the yellow ones typically live in one of the koreas.
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The_Elder_Troll: Ok anonymous19, have fun with that.
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The_Elder_Troll: @SkekSul: Because I want him to grow enough, if any, balls and actually try and say this to a couple of black people, and see if be doesn't get his ass mashed to a pulp.
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Anonymous13(10): The "ghetto clown" thing got me thinking. Maybe this particular troll is one of those self loathing black fellas. Or Kefka Pallazzo, that guy was also a brain dead loud mouth.
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Anonymous14: fuckin dumb asses get a life and some self love XD
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SkekSul: Eld, you know he lives in a white only community. Or out in the middle of the country, spending all day either polishing his knob or his gun/sword collection.
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Anonymous15(10): Well, this was a hoot. Goodnight everybody.
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mrbutt2: the artist has captured the very essence of BIX NOOD MUFUGGA in those speech bubbles.

10/10 would re-nig.
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Anonymous16: Annon 8 is fucking hilarious, and delusional! Such a sad little pigfucker.
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Anonymous17(16): If he hate black dicks, and katy. Why is this faggot here? Someone has a serious case of small dick. Or his mom sucks black cock! Lmao!
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Anonymous18: Different day, same shit
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Anonymous19(9): yep 22 look at how gandhi liberated india with peace that totally failed now didn't it
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Gravestalker: @Anonymous: oh look, an anionfag butthurting over someone not liking blacks. have a fap and cry yourself to sleep kid
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Gravestalker: @Anonymous: well if attractive and successful Africans themselves refer to the light skin attractive and successful Africans as 'yellow attractive and successful Africans, then if that guy up there says black attractive and successful Africans he means the full-on africans?
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Anonymous20(9): but the yellow attractive and successful Africans are in korea help me im so confused!
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Anonymous21: Anon 8 thinks he's a master troll, but he has the identity of the troll and the victim mixed up.
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Anonymous22: oh look "gravestalker" still trying to convince people he's a badass when he probably got his ass fucked when he got locked up in county jail and was the cellblock cinderalla for eveyr black brown and anyone who wasnt a pussy crybaby like him
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Anonymous23(22): what kind of a complete pussy stalks graves? someone too wimpy to stalk people
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OGRE: Sheeeeee-it
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Anonymous24: As usual, the comment thread ended in a violent troll murder. Gravestalker, you will be missed. But right now, I have some Katy Perry to attend to ;) Fyeah Rule34! I don't care what anyone says this pic is hot! God bless those with British Broadcasting Corporation and those without. Amen.
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lazarus: @Anonymous: I'm telling her about this. :p
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Anonymous25: Dumbass attractive and successful African lovers need to die .
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lazarus: They're not attractive and successful Africans, she's just fantasizing about them in reality, it's white cocks.
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Ratsalad: Nappa:Vegeta,What does the scouter say about her hotness level?!

Vegeta:It's over 700!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nappa:WHAT?! 700!!! There's no w... well actually that's pretty feasible if you think of her tig ol bitties...
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lazarus: @Gravestalker: You're on a website that's heavily connected to 4chan users coming here and saying attractive and successful African this and attractive and successful African that. What do you except?
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Gravestalker: @Anonymous: dont rewrite a page in your life story of faggotry to be me in your place
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Anonymous26: @The_Elder_Troll: attractive and successful African logic like this make me my head hurt from the sheer stupidity. Anon8 makes a joke and your attractive and successful African self can't help but pull a "meh dick" because you are to unevolved to do anything diffrent.
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Anonymous27(26): @Anonymous: Believe it or not attractive and successful African, most white people never go to jail in their lifetime. MOTHERFUCKING SHOCKING to an attractive and successful African like yourself I know.
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Gravestalker: @Anonymous: @Anonymous: @Anonymous: hey look, anonfags defending the monkey cock they crave so much
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Gravestalker: @lazarus: well i thought 4chan was more about disturbing shit not monkey bestiality fetish
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Ratsalad: @Gravestalker: Shut the fuck up, you racist piece of shit, we don't need your kind spreading kkk neo-nazi bullshit all over the site, if your not going to behave, then go crawl back to your cage that your sexually abusive black stepfather put you in but you broke out of to troll on here
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Anonymous28: beastiality? Hawt
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Gravestalker: @Ratsalad: have a cry cockwhore
why do you care about attractive and successful Africans so much.....theyre backwards savages that evolution forgot, stop throwing a pity party for their kind
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Anonymous29: Sometimes I hate the internet....
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Anonymous30: Sometimes I love the internet....
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Anonymous31: Sometimes I dismiss the internet...
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Anonymous32: Sometimes the internet dismisses you....
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Ratsalad: @Gravestalker: This is your dream, Gravestalker, it's too bad that you're too scared to come out of the closet.

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Ratsalad: Never mind, this is what I was talking about
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mynameis305: @Gravestalker: 4chan whore lol.
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Anonymous33: @Gravestalker: I'm getting so sick of this /b/ spillover. This didn't used to happen before this new generation of reddit kids.
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Anonymous34: Gravestalker i dont know why you call black people such mindless names all it does is show your own pathetic pitiful fear and ignorance. But i guess name calling is your only strong point cuz your too weak to try me any other way
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Anonymous35: I dont th7nk that was racist because we are all animal's so yea he was just joking like this was on animal planet
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Anonymous36: Eat a dick gravestalker. No one likes your ass.
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Anonymous37: It's hilarious how people like gravestalker click on interracial porn just to bitch about the porn they click on. The sad thing is that it's probably the only way he and many others like him can get their rocks off anymore. He's probably blowing his load while screaming "nnniiiiggggggeeeeeeerrrrrsss!!"
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Anonymous38: The world's largest penis is Mexican guy followed by a white guy.

The race with the biggest penises on average are blacks.

Asian men have the smallest penises on average... There are some big Asian penises, but they are very few.

Largest consumers and target market of penis enlargement products and services are white men...Asian men despite having smallest penises on average do not have the high level of sexual and/or genital insecurities as white men.

You would think being a billionaire should give anyone enough confidence in their sex life....well, not for some (not all) white men billionaires.

Penis size and sexual prowess does NOT equate to racial supremacy and given the advancement in medicine and surgery, anyone can get a big dick.

To me, there is no such thing as racial supremacy of any race. We are all just different people co-existing together and trying to appreciating each other.

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