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    Best regards,


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  2. Hello,

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    Best regards,


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Last Activity:
Feb 9, 2024
Jul 18, 2011
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Porno Junky, from Manitoba

It has been too long since I've been able to watch my wife open her legs to let another man fuck her hard. Hopefully one day I can again Dec 18, 2021

Trible was last seen:
Feb 9, 2024
    1. Trible
      Woke up way too early for having the day off, now this hard on is preventing me from getting back to sleep. Who’s up for some taboo chat?
      1. Kevin 91 likes this.
      2. Kevin 91
        Kevin 91
        Mar 29, 2019
        Trible likes this.
      3. gdogg79
        I also woke up too early for having the day off.
        Mar 29, 2019
        Trible likes this.
    2. StrawberryCupcake
      Thank you for the follow!
    3. Trible
      Feeling dark and dirty. Let’s share our darkest fantasy. Pm me
      1. tgrlkaylie69 likes this.
    4. Trible
    5. Trible
      Need someone to help me cum
      1. Jimmy-Zhung likes this.
    6. Trible
      Pm me for pics of my bbw wif, would love to hear what you’d do with her
    7. Trible
      Finger slowly circling the tip of my hard cock. Goes absolutely crazy
      1. bakerbill likes this.
    8. Trible
      Where are all the dirty little sluts hiding?
    9. Trible
      Late at night, wide awake. Definitely in need of some stress relief
      1. Hornyfucker48 likes this.
    10. Trible
      My balls are in desperate need of emptying. Who’s up for a chat?? Open for just about anything at this point
    11. Shady Lady Julie
      Shady Lady Julie
      Thanks for the follow
    12. Trible
      Sitting here with a hard cock in one hand and the cell in the other...
      1. matthew1992 likes this.
    13. Trible
      Anyone up for some taboo chat. All are welcome
      1. John Sickles likes this.
    14. Trible
      Wishing I had someone that would take charge once and a while. Would love for someone to take control and force me out of my comfort zone.
    15. Trible
      Sitting here, way too early to be up, wishing I had someone on there knees in front of me servicing my hard cock....
      1. Cantors1985 and Northernbuilder like this.
    16. Trible
      How’s everyone doing tonight??
    17. Trible
      Smoked a bowl, feeling real good. Wife’s asleep so I’m looking to play
    18. Trible
      Waking up at 6 am when I have the chance to sleep in... WTF. At least there’s porn and edging to keep me company
    19. Trible
      Woke up hard and dark inside. Where are all the slits at that enjoy being forced?
      1. candy_caned likes this.
      2. Lottiep90
        Sorry I'm late to the party haha
        Dec 24, 2018
    20. xtremlydisturbed
      .....let me know, Lol
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  • About

    Sexual Orientation:
    Married, bored and addicted to a hard cum.
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