Holness lauds 25-year low in killings, cautions police and gangsters alike
KINGSTON, Jamaica – Prime Minister Andrew Holness is crediting February’s homicide numbers at 47, the lowest in 25 years, to the billions of dollars invested in the Jamaica Constabulary Force (JCF).
“My administration has invested unprecedented levels of funding in the JCF, averaging J$9.7 billion annually. This is three times the amount expended by previous administrations, and it was required to restore and upgrade the basic infrastructure to modern citizen-friendly facilities, upgrade transport, and replace equipment that had been left to deteriorate for decades,” said Holness, addressing the falling homicide rate in Jamaica.
The prime minister said this investment, along with “intelligence-driven, data-supported” policework was fuelling the overall decline locally.
“The continual reduction in major crimes and murder is reflective of this more capable JCF,” he maintained.
In addressing recent concerns about police killings and criminals who engage security forces with firepower, Holness said it was important that lawmen be trusted by the public.
“Our security forces must have the monopoly on the use of force on behalf of the State, and our security officers must therefore strive in every interaction with the public, to demonstrate they can be entrusted with this responsibility”, he stated.
He cautioned criminals that it was better to meet the judge.
“At the same time, however, criminal elements must understand that regardless of what kind of firepower they may have, they stand no chance against a highly trained constabulary that has the country behind it,” he argued.
The PM also highlighted back-end upgrades that he says are transforming the force.
“The implementation of ISO 9001 quality management systems and standards has improved the professionalism and standards of service delivery for the force. The result of these investments and reform has led to considerable progress,” he said.