Jenny McCarthy’s first foray into writing was so successful that she has followed up her first book, Belly Laughs: The Naked Truth About Pregnancy and Childbirth
, with a new one about raising her son Evan, Baby Laughs: The Naked Truth About the First Year of Mommyhood
I’ve only just started reading Belly Laughs because I was waiting for it to come out in paperback (as a New Yorker who has to commute on the subway so I refuse to buy hardcover) when my friend Amanda bought it for me. A few days too late, my husband told me that Jenny had been signing books at the Barnes & Noble a few blocks from my office- oh well.
I’m a few chapters in and I’m finding it pretty funny. Aside from The Girlfriends’ Guide to Pregnancy
, few books seem to tell it like it is. This one really does. So far, I have learned that Jenny and her husband conceived missionary style because they felt guilty about creating life in any naughty/enjoyable ways, that she experienced a lot of discharge which she refers to as the snail trail, that she was afraid she boiled her baby when she absentmindedly used a hot tub and that she actually enjoyed wearing size large granny panties. Extremely crass, very explicit and honest and I’m totally loving it. I can’t wait to read Baby Laughs and this time, I won’t be so stubborn about the hardcover thing.
Baby Laughs comes out on Monday, April 25 but you can pre-order your copy at Amazon now. Unlike most hardcovers, the book is on the inexpensive side- $12.24 or you could just wait to get a used copy.