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  1. shootersa

    shootersa Frisky Feline

    Dec 28, 2010
    The challenge offered by american hater

    "the challenge I have presented them is to prove something RAW STORY has published wrong or false. Let me emphasis that again WRONG OR FALSE."
    The headline
    "Mike Johnson embarrassed on Fox News by suggesting he doesn't know noncitizens can't vote.
    The proposed legislation offered by Johnson includes a requirement that voters establish their citizenship. It is therefore self evident that speaker Johnson knows non citizens are prohibited from voting.

    The wrong story headline is both false and wrong.

    American haters endless and repeated personal attacks violate the standard rules of debate he insisted on, even after they are pointed out to him. He arrogantly ignores attempts to help him behave like a rational adult.

    The endless diversions and lies offered up by american hater in his poor attempts to defend the leftist rag he so worships expose his realization that he has lost.

    We do not expect him to admit he has lost.

    We expect more personal attacks.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  2. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006

    Already covered refuted and proven beyond reasonable doubt. I am not going to play our phony game of just going in nonsense circles where you just deny the obvious and keep repeating the same argument over and over and over again.

    Either put up something new or I will.

  3. mstrman

    mstrman Porn Star

    Sep 2, 2020
  4. shootersa

    shootersa Frisky Feline

    Dec 28, 2010
    American haters challenge was met and his wrong story proven false and wrong.

    American hater simply denies his failure.

    We knew it would come to this. No other outcome is possible when american hater is incapable of admitting he's been bested. No further evidence is required to prove that wrong story is nothing but a leftist propaganda rag.

    American haters demand to follow "the standard rules of debate" is exposed as his amateur attempt to hamstring his opposition.

    American hater is exposed.

    And dismissed.
  5. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006

  6. shootersa

    shootersa Frisky Feline

    Dec 28, 2010
    Shooters point proven.
  7. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    First let's recap the purpose of this thread.

    Thursday at 12:47 PM
    This has been going on for sometime now until I finally challenged @shootersa to debate it using standard debate rules which of course he will never do because among other things he would have to back up what he says with credible sources and actually answer questions And shootersa and most all on the right for that matter will never honestly answer simple straightforward questions because then their lies, false propaganda, and psychological projection is exposed. But this has been going on long enough I feel it is incumbent on me to expose the scam.

    As probably everyone knows I use RAW STORY for a source quite often. The sire is definitely left leaning. In fact I have sometimes referred to it as "liberal porn. But RAW STORY actually has a high credibility rating for fractal reporting.

    And while certainly treasonous conservative/America Hating/Republicans hate RAW STORY the challenge I have presented them is to prove something RAW STORY has published wrong or false. Let me emphasis that again WRONG OR FALSE.

    I won't even bother to dissect this one. I don't have to to prove @shootersa's "the rest of the story" scam. shootersa's claim which he has made multiple times is he's proven RAW STORY wrong or false 188 times. But anyone can see at a glance this is not a RAW STORY article. Its from USA Today. So shootersa's claim is wrong and false on its face.
  8. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    I think it is incumbent on @shootersa to give us his search criteria and/or explain how he comes up with his 188 times he has proven RAW STORY wrong or false claim. When I search for "the rest of the story" by member "shootersa" I only come up with 150 and most of them don't even have "the rest of the story" in the post. And others are like this.

    shootersa most surely cannot claim he proved anything wrong or false in that RAW STORY article. Maybe he has a different search criteria or has them archived or something. Which he could explain. But I am not finding anywhere even near the figure he claims. Maybe he could straighten me out on that.
    1. shootersa
      Diversions are not allowed by standard debate rules.

      Your diversion attempt is rejected.
      shootersa, Apr 24, 2024
    2. stumbler
      The whole point of the debate is to challenge your claim you have proven me and RAW STORY liars and wrong and false. So nothing can be more directly pertinent to the debate then espousing that is now what you are doing. The diversion fail is you.
      stumbler, Apr 24, 2024
  9. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    Here's another one the exact same deal. @shootersa claims its the "rest of the story" but he does not even try to point out anything the RAW STORY article that is wrong or false as he has been claiming. He doesn't even address the article.

    Maybe I am doing something wrong but I am having a hard time even coming up with articles were @shootersa is even addressing a RAW STORY article let alone proving anything in the article wrong or false.
  10. shootersa

    shootersa Frisky Feline

    Dec 28, 2010
    American hater loves to be obtuse.
    "The rest of the story" exposes the routine of wrong story never telling the whole story, leaving out the facts that allow them to paint the story as they want to send their message.

    When a media outlet intentionally leaves out clearly relevant facts (that johnsons legislation clearly demonstrates he knows immigration law) or (Haley says there are racists in America but America isn't racist) it is a lie of omission.

    A lie of omission is everybit the lie intentionally spread.

    That american hater, who says he is a former newspaper owner/editor tries to defend a rag like wrong story says it all.

  11. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006

    No we have already been through this and its just your same old lie you keep repeating over and over again.

    No I quite laughably disagree because no one has annotated you King Of Journalism. It is utterly laughable that you seem to think you can dictate what news outlets must put in or leave out of stories. Those are editorial decisions because it is quite impossible to include every single detail. And especially when they have nothing to do with the story. Anyone can take any story in the world and claim they omitted details THEY THINK are important. But just like your "lie by omission" that would be just their own personal opinion. Which they are welcome to but most certainly does not prove anything that is IN the story wrong or false

    And that is also NOT what you said. Let's review how we got here.

    Ifwetry posted this.

    So I replied with this.

    And out of nowhere you jump in with this.

    I will delete the rest of the post and just include my response.

    And so you took another crack at it with this.

    That is some pretty big tough talk there @shootersa so I put up to prove which one of us is the liar.

    And you are the one who said ....

    188 hits

    rest of the story".

    Shooter exposed your lies, half truths, and outright propaganda.

    he exposed wrong story and their false stories.

    So I challenged you to a debate over that.

    And you declined or at least thought you did.

    And I of course called you on it.

    But you insisted again.

    Which is exactly what I have been doing on this thread. But the problem is I can't come up with 188 hits. So what search criteria did you use.

    But the bigger problem is this. The screen grab you posted does look like the first page of the search results I get. But I have not been able to find more than two or three that even address RAW Story let alone proving anything in a RAW STORY article wrong of false. So you are definitely lying about your numbers as I have shown in posts above this.

    Shooter alerts!
    See, american hater, when

    But I will tell you what. Maybe I am not searching correctly. So if you are not the one lying post some examples of where you proved me and RAW STORY liars and wrong and false like you claim you have.

    Because if you can't then I have proven you are the liar and your whole "the rest of the story" is nothing but a phony fraudulent lying scam just like I set out to do in the OP.

  12. shootersa

    shootersa Frisky Feline

    Dec 28, 2010
    And there you go moving the goal posts again.

    The challenge you offered was to show a single time that a wrong story copy N pasted by you was wrong or a lie.

    Your silly diversion is now to say that the original 188 cases of Shooters "the rest of the story" are only 150 and blah, blah, blah.

    Shooter, you see, doesn't need to explain or justify how many times previously hes pointed out "the rest of the story" when exposing your lies.

    By your own rule, one example will do.

    And shooter has indeed done that, twice in fact, the johnson doesn't know the law post and the haley says america isn't racist story you brought up.
  13. shootersa

    shootersa Frisky Feline

    Dec 28, 2010
    Now, twice you have said omitting relevant facts is not lying.
    As a self proclaimed former newspaper editor you know full well omitting facts that alter the meaning of the story is lying even in yellow journalism.

    But for the uninformed shooter will provide some background on lies by omission.


    And just for the record you don't dictate the terms of debate.
  14. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006

    Well no, this is a laughable and just blatant lie. I very clearly stated my goals in the title to the thread and OP

    Addressing "The Rest Of The Story" scvam

    Which you have failed to do. You have not proven a single thing wrong or false in the RAW article you posted. While I have proven your "rest of the story" rants wrong and false in a couple others.

    But the purpose and goal of this thread is to expose your "rest of the story" scam and expose your lies. And accept the challenge you made.

    Here's what you said.

    And here is your challenge which I accepted

    We apparently get different search results using the same search terms. Why don't you tell me how you searched so I can try it and see if I can get the same results.

    But let's stay focused. The purpose of this thread is to expose your "rest of the story" scam and prove you are the liar instead of me because you said ....

    You don't need to do anything. I have no problem at all taking your own words and your challenge to prove the liar is you and your "rest of the story" is a phony fraudulent scam.

    No, the purpose of this thread is to prove you lied and your "rest of the story" is a phony fraudulent scam.

    I accepted YOUR challenge.

    And you are the one who said .....

    No that is another of your obvious and blatant lie on your part. Anyone can go back and look at these posts to know you are wrong and false again.




    But this one is probably the easiest because its on this page. And they can see at a glance the RAW Story article is about Trump making up a new racist dog whistle name to insult Haley and your long winded rant does not even touch on the RAW STORY article let alone what's IN the article.


    You can't lie your way out of your own words and what is in white and blue on this thread.
    Last edited: Apr 24, 2024
  15. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    What I have repeatedly said and shown is yur are not the omniscient King of Journalism that can dictate what details you THINK has to be in a story.

    No I quite laughably disagree because no one has annotated you King Of Journalism. It is utterly laughable that you seem to think you can dictate what news outlets must put in or leave out of stories. Those are editorial decisions because it is quite impossible to include every single detail. And especially when they have nothing to do with the story. Anyone can take any story in the world and claim they omitted details THEY THINK are important. But just like your "lie by omission" that would be just their own personal opinion. Which they are welcome to but most certainly does not prove anything that is IN the story wrong or false

    That is what actually makes you even more laughable to me. As a former newspaper editor I know only know but actually lived picking and choosing what details get an an article and which ones get cut out. And there are two very practical reasons for that. One it is literally impossible to include every detail. There is not enough room on a page. So articles must be tightl to include just the most important details and everything else gets cut out.

    But the other reason is re0porters and editors what the story also be tightly focused so the reader gets the important details in basically as few words as possible. Readers are busy and can be lost at any point in an article. So the goal is keep the story tight and focused using only the details that directly relate to the story.

    So to use the RAW STORY article. If the story is about Fox News running a graphic of the already existing law o while Johnson is trying to promote his law the focus of the story is that was an embarrassing moment for both Fox and Johnson and they don't to detract from that focus with a bunch of details that are not related to that.

    It is called EDITING.

    Now this is one of your favorite phony scams and lies. Posting a link you say backs up your point when if people bother to click on the link they will easily see the link has nothing to do with what you are claiming.

    But when it comes to being just roll on the floor laughable I think this is one of your personal bests.

    Let's take a look at what its really about.

    Perjury By Omission

    It is a 293 page legal scholar paper that discusses what constituents lying by omission when a witness is under oath in court. I just can't stop laughing at that. You cannot get much further apart than trying to compare lying by omission in court and the editorial process. Two completely different worlds.

    I didn't think you could make me laugh any harder but you managed to do it.

    I have always set the standard debate rules for any debate I al willing to participate in. Stick to the topic no tangents. Use credible sources. No videos without identifying what's in the video and giving time stamps where the video refers to the point being made. Answer the questions being asked. Concede when a point is proven. No name calling or personal attacks. I can most certainly set those rules and if you are not willing to follow them then don't attempt to debate me.

    But the terms of this debate are also clearly stated in the title and OP.

    Addressing "The Rest Of The Story" scvam

  16. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    This is another one I want to address because its just so comical and also so typical of @shootersa's dishonest pl0ys and ducking and dodging in discussions on the forum when he gets cornered.

    I will just use the headline of the story and not re-post the entire article.

    Jack Smith filing reveals Trump-funded lawyer claimed he didn't own a computer: reporter

    Now remember the whole goal here is to prove this statement wrong or false.

    Now the RAW STORY article is about the unbelievable excuse one of the lawyers in the documents case tried to give as to why he was not prepared to move forward with the case. Hey I don't have access to a computer.

    But the key here is shootersa's reply.

    Ah fuck it cannot count as one of shootersa's claimed 188 times he has proven RAW STORY wrong or false. That is just obvious and proves his statement wrong and false.

    But now let's look at the reply shootersa comes back with in a comment.

    Now that is just hilarious. In a post just above this shootersa claims I can't set the rules of the debate but here he's saying I am in violation of those rules. Just a delicious direct contradiction.

    But just as comical is there is no way this can be a "diversion" because it directly relates to shootersa's claim he has proven RAW STORY wrong or false 188 times.

    And I pointed that out to him.

    Its just a great example of the dishonest games shootersa plays when he is getting cornered.


    • Disagree Disagree x 1
  17. latecomer91364

    latecomer91364 Easily Distracte

    Aug 3, 2017
    • Agree Agree x 1
  18. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006

    And yet you are here Clarise. And thanks for the bump
  19. shootersa

    shootersa Frisky Feline

    Dec 28, 2010
    Well, american hater has now ma aged to stomp on every one of the standard rules of debate.

    Not the rules he's made up in his own delusional world, but the official rules of debate.

    He's throwing personal attacks around because his points are otherwise just drivel.

    He keeps moving the goal posts around to suit his arguments.

    He keeps changing the focus of the debate, adding new topics and simply lying.

    He refuses the same concessions he demands for himself.

    Shooter knows better. He does. A "debate" with american hater is nothing but a chess game with a pigeon.

    A lying, imoral, hypocritical, american hating pigeon.

    It's been shown that wrong story lied when they failed to acknowledge speaker johnsons knowledge of voter law in their hit piece that he was embarrassed by Fox suggesting he didn't know the law.

    It was shown that Haley's statement "America is not a racist country" was not her full statement and wrong story lied by cherry picking the statement.

    American hater has been proven to be a liar many times on this forum. He insists on pushing anti american propaganda, attacks anything not meeting his view with more lies, propaganda and hateful spew, and has almost certainly exaggerated his experience.

    Shooter is done wasting time with this lying, arrogant asshole.

    Shooter calls on stanley to declare a winner of this "debate"
  20. shootersa

    shootersa Frisky Feline

    Dec 28, 2010

    We were hoping you might settle an issue.
    Stumbler challenges members to debates using "standard rules of debate"
    We were hoping you would review this latest challenge and declare a winner, or in the alternative, appoint an impartial judge to finish this matter.

    Thanking you in advance.
    • Funny Funny x 1
    • Winner Winner x 1
    1. stumbler
      Well Stanley is not going to save you.
      stumbler, Apr 25, 2024